Wednesday, September 24, 2008

baby sign language

today in my child development class we were talking about infants and language development. one of the ta's in the class is doing a lot of research on sign language; sign language for deaf and for non-deaf babies. we focused a lot of sign language for non-deaf babies. these babies are learning sign language and are communicating with their parents non-verbally at early ages and are even proven to talk earlier. we watched two great clips of one non-deaf baby who has learned a lot of signs already and is already learning to read and spell at the age of 2 and a half. this is way before most babies learn how to read. much of this class is very interesting and has popped some good ideas into my head about raising my own children. but this sign language seems even more interesting to me. hopefully going into the education department some day, sign language might be a good language to learn, also for the raising of my own child. take a look at this video and this video to watch a baby signing and how far she has come. it's very interesting.

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