Saturday, November 28, 2009

home sweet home

well i've been home for a few days now and i must say i'm definitely enjoying being home. unfortunately the jet lag and the cold weather are definitely making me want to go back to australia. but that aside i have loved spending time with my friends and family again. even the past few days have reminded me so much of what i missed from home (yes i know i was only away for 4 and half months, but let me speak lol). my sister and her husband were here this weekend and we laughed and laughed and laughed. it was great. and soon i get to see my other sister and my new niece!!!!! yay!!! there's definitely some things, besides the weather i've had to get used to, like using my phone again and even american money. but all in all it is always nice to go back home. and i have still have friends in australia so they are keeping me updated on what's happening over there. so here are a few last pics from australia, i hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I'M HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

(pics are coming!)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

bitter sweet

i only have one more week in australia. i can't believe it!!! i know i'm a little behind on pictures right now but have no fear when i get home and am missing australia i'll definitely put up pictures. right now i've been doing some studying for my last final, going to the beach all the time, hanging out with friends as much as possible, even saying good bye to a few, and just trying to soak in every last bit of this place. can't wait to be home, but don't want to leave. definitely mixed emotions.

Monday, November 9, 2009


13 days. yes count 'em. 13 days until i return home. so many mixed emotions. i've had an absolutely an amazing time here and i know i still have a few places to visit, so i know leaving here is going to be horrible. the people i've met here will definitely stay friends for quite some time. i already know plenty of australians who already have trips planned to america and i don't live too far away from some of my closest american friends. everything here has been so great. i'm definitely going to be really upset when leaving. but then again i'm going to be so happy to come home. meeting my parents at the airport will be epic. then i get to spend thanksgiving at the savoy's as usual. i get to see my beautiful niece for the first time ever. i get to decorate the tree and buy presents for the family we will be given and be able to attend the wrapping party. i will be able to spend a great christmas eve and christmas day in new jersey. those are the things that i'm looking forward to the most. it will be a very interesting day when i have to leave here. these next two weeks will be spent on exams and cramming in anything i haven't done yet.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

where the rainforest meets the reef

i know it's been a while since my last post but i think this one will make up for it....

the past few weeks have been quite busy. i am not officially done with school, i just have exams and papers left. i can't believe how quickly the semester went by. but the end of something like this means lots of celebrations. john's has been having a bunch of parties to celebrate and all the seniors are itching to get out while also trying to have as much fun as they can for their finals days here. there was also fresher initation. basically all the freshers get their academic gowns, the ones we have to wear to formal dinners, cut. that's how you can tell who is in what year. the sleeves of the gown get cut. but unfortunately, being someone who is only here for a semester i wasn't able to get my gown cut because i have to give mine back or pay 200 bucks. so i think my parents would thank me for not getting mine cut! but i was still able to partake in the festivities. it was all very fun. then the best part of the week.... i got to spend the weekend in cairns visiting the great barrier reef and the rainforrest. it was awesome. on friday we spent the day on a boat, traveling into the deep sea, and exploring the gbf. the weather wasn't great. it was cloudy and coldish and very windy so that made for a very choppy ride over (my dad would definitely not have liked the boat ride). after two hours of traveling we made it to the gbf. and i took my first ever scuba dive! it was awesome! i was a little freaked at first but i made it through!! it was awesome. i got to touch a giant clam and hold a sea cucumber (photos of those are making their way to me!) i got to sea nemo in his original habitat and see all the beautiful coral. great stuff! i loved scuba diving!!! then on saturday we had breakfast with the birds at a zoo. then we went on a walk through the rainforest with an aboriginal tourguide who showed us different types of huts they lived in and all sorts of tools and food they used to use when they were living directly in the rainforest. then we took a trip to mossman gorge which was a little river for us to swim in. it had huge beautiful rocks and little waterfalls all over. then on sunday we spent the morning jungle surfing (zip lining) through the rainforest. very cool. i even got to do it upside down! that was very cool. we then spent just a little while at cape tribulation. this is probably the most beautiful site i've seen in the whole world. it's where two world heritage sites come together: the reef and the rainforest. it was absolutely amazing. the water was like a bath ( my mom would even be willing to go swimming in it!). but because it's so warm there are an abundance of jelly fish and crocs so you can't really go swimming. it was magnificent! then we took a cruise ride on the daintree river to try and find crocs. we only saw one but it was cool to see one in the wild. then it was back to sydney. it was a fun filled, very packed weekend. now i'm back at school and getting ready to start my finals. the countdown to home has officially started: 21 days. i can't believe it. i'll be extremely sad to leave but at the same time very happy to see my family. it's been a great experience so far and i know i still have a few tricks up my sleeve!

gbr and cape trib

jungle surfing and cape trib