Saturday, August 20, 2011

one last hooray.....or two

now it's half way through august and all that seems to be buzzing about is "back to school" stuff. a lot of my friends are traveling abroad for the semester, getting ready to go back to trinity, or are ready to start their new jobs in new places. luckily i was able to have a few weekend get-a-ways before it was all over and the hard work really sunk in. martha's vineyard for a weekend with my family and friend maggie to enjoy laying out on the dock, playing with sophia and leo, and eating great food. then off to cape cod to visit with friends from school. the weather was horrible but it was great to see the girls especially since they were all off to start their semesters in various countries. now only a few more weeks to soak up summer and to soak up the fact that i've actually graduated college. soon coaching and subbing will be in full swing!