Thursday, March 11, 2010

busy as a bee

after being in australia for so long, i forgot what it's like to be super busy with work and softball and friends. it's definitely a lot on my plate right now. but enough to keep me working hard and not too much that i'm freaking out all the time. so that's definitely a good thing. it's nice to stay busy. some days are longer than others but i just take in stride. and this weekend my best friend jenna from australia is coming for a visit! it's her birthday on saturday (which seems to be the same day as someone else's birthday.....hmmmmmm!) so it should be a lot of fun to have her around. then one more week with two papers and an exam and then i'm off to florida for spring training!!! yay!!!! definitely a high light of the year! well speaking of busy, i better get to class!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

woot woot part 2

pics from my 21st!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

not again

a week ago i got my car broken into (for the second time) and my whole purse was stolen. yes i'm a FOOL for leaving my purse in my car especially in hartford. but i was actually mentoring which only lasts an hour and it's in the middle of the day and i parked right in front of the elementary school so i figured not too much could go wrong, well i was wrong alright. for about a day and half i was absolutely furious. i went back and forth between being totally upset and totally horrified and totally angry at whoever thought they needed to break into my car. but getting some good words of advice from my parents, especially my dad, i just realize how lucky i truly am. within a week i haven't basically everything of importance replaced except for my license which should be on it's way soon. while crappy things may happen here and there i really am grateful for all that i have. i have an amazing family and has supported me time and time again. i have good friends that helped me out if i needed some money or a trip to get my window replaced. i am fortunate enough to be able to afford to fix my car window and replace all my credit cards, license, and insurance cards. so i want to say thank you, especially to my parents, for putting up with me and guiding me through life. i really am lucky, we all are very lucky to have one another, and while i might have forgotten that for even a second, i know that the next obstacle life throws at me, my family has my back. and guess what? i got theirs!